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How do you clean my wedding gown?
Our Specialists™ carefully hand clean every wedding gown with gentle chemicals that dissolve the different kinds of stains. Then your wedding gown is rinsed in pure solvent until it is completely clean.
What is wedding gown preservation?
Your completely clean wedding gown is carefully packed with acid-free tissue in a museum-quality wedding chest that is also completely acid-free. This protects your wedding gown from the air and light that cause unprotected wedding gowns to yellow as well as from the acidic content of ordinary wedding chests that “scorches” your wedding gown.
Why is your process different from others?
Spills such as soda, wine and cake (many times caused by a guest and unnoticed by the bride) contain sugar and often dry without leaving a visible mark. Sugar is not dissolved during ordinary drycleaning and caramelizes over time into ugly brown stains. Ordinary drycleaning does not remove these disfiguring stains, and it takes a special process called color restoration to remove them. We take extra steps to be sure all stains, both seen and unseen, are removed.
Is there an environmentally-friendly wedding gown preservation process?
The use of any solvent, no matter which kind, generates carbon emissions—even if only from the electricity needed to power machinery. We have partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation, and, in celebration of your wedding, we plant a tree in a forest of great need. We were the first in the industry to offer truly environmentally-friendly wedding gown preservations, and our MuseumCare™ preservations are unique.
Is your wedding chest different from others?
Our trademarked MuseumCare™ ZeroCarbon™ wedding chest is completely acid-free, not just pH neutral. Wedding chests that are only pH-neutral are not safe for your wedding gown. They can re-acidify because the neutralizer is water soluble and will dissipate over time. Never use ordinary boxes and tissue. They are heavily acidic and cause yellowing. In fact ordinary boxes and tissue can “scorch” wedding gowns and leave dark brown streaks wherever the fabric touches the tissue or wedding chest.
Will my wedding gown be vacuum sealed?
No. Vacuum sealing can trap moisture and cause mildew. Also, the moisture and the electrostatic charge from the plastic combine to set wrinkles in your wedding gown that no amount of pressing can remove.
What else can I preserve with my wedding gown?
Such things as a headpiece and veil, petticoat, gloves, garter, and handkerchief may be stored with your wedding gown. There is an additional charge for storing your wedding gown and veil separately. Shoes should not be stored with your wedding gown because fumes from the leather and glue may cause damage.
Can I see my wedding gown when it is in the wedding chest?
You can see your wedding gown through an oval window made of oriented polyester, a chemically-inert material that will not yellow or damage your wedding gown. The window contains no plasticizers. It does not transmit oils, greases, or volatile aromatics and will withstand temperature extremes.
What is the guarantee?
100% written international guarantee against caramelized sugar stains or yellowing of the fabric of your wedding gown. Decorations such as sequins and pearls are not guaranteed because they may not be serviceable and can deteriorate over time.
What if I open my wedding gown?
The guarantee is not voided, but improper handling of your wedding gown may cause damage. If your wedding gown is handled excessively or soiled it should be cleaned and preserved again.
Where is the best place to keep my preserved wedding gown?
Avoid storing your preserved wedding gown in the attic or the basement. Attics are too hot, and basements are too damp. And if a pipe breaks in your basement, it is a law that the water will find your gown. Also avoid storing your gown against any outside wall that is below gown because the damp from the wall will eventually penetrate your wedding gown chest.

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