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Whether it’s your family’s treasured 19th-century heirloom christening gown, a handmade silk coat and gown from the 1940s, the christening gown you yourself wore as a child, or a new one that will begin your family tradition, our Certified Wedding Gown Specialist™ near you can remove all stains and discoloration.
We use a gentle cleaning solution, or restoration process if necessary, that does not damage delicate fabric or dyes to protect the heirloom’s fabric while removing all stains and yellowing.
Communion, Flower Girl Dress & Ring Bearer Suit Restoration
Your antique or vintage children’s clothing can also be restored with hand cleaning and hand pressing to look as bright and beautiful as your children. Our members use environmentally friendly cleaning solutions with no harmful chemicals to irritate the delicate skin of young children.
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists Guarantee
As always, our written international guarantee is honored by our Certified Wedding Gown Specialistsâ„¢ located in more than 500 cities around the world. Return your garments to any one of our members, and they will be inspected and pressed at no charge when they are to be worn again.

If you are storing vintage clothing or beginning a new tradition in your family with a christening gown, flower girl dress, communion dress, or suit selected especially for your child, choose our Certified Wedding Gown Specialistâ„¢ near you to give it special care. Fragile decorations such as flowers or metallic accents will be carefully protected from harm during the cleaning process. Our members also understand that spills containing sugar, salt, and acid will dry clear and cannot be seen when the stains are fresh. These latent stains do not dissolve during ordinary dry cleaning and turn an ugly brown over time. Our experienced members know how to clean each precious garment, new or old, so that it will not discolor over the years.
Only completely acid-free containers and tissue are safe for long-term storage of fine fabrics. Our Certified Wedding Gown Specialistsâ„¢ will take the same care when we pack a miniature gown or suit for preservation that we do with a wedding gown. Museum-quality preservation methods are used to ensure your heirloom items are protected and pristine for years to come!

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